G. Sathiyamoorthi is a chemistry graduate who also holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Sugar Technology. He has cross functional expertise in Sugar, Cogeneration, Distillery, Administration, Finance, Marketing, Business development and Project Management. With over 30 years of experience in Modern and Integrated Sugar Industry operations and in Sugar and Distillery processing, he heads the specialised core consultancy group of the company.
He is proficient in industrial solid waste, ISO Quality Systems Management and energy conservation measures in the sugar industry. He has presented a paper on Solid waste composting technology at SISSTA. He also oversees R&D activities of the group. He is a Member of Sugar Industry bodies like The South Indian Sugarcane & Sugar Technologists Association (SISSTA). (https://jensen-jensen.com/)
C.S. Sathiyanarayanan is a qualified Cost and Works Accountant and completed CA–Intermediate. He joined the Company as Associate Vice President (Finance) on 7th May 2020. His previous employment was with M/s. Jeyyam Global Foods Private Limited, Salem, Tamil Nadu. He has more than 20 years of experience in Finance, Accounts, Costing, Internal Audit, MIS, ERP Project Implementation, Maintenance and other Control areas. He has rich experience in the sugar business from his earlier employment at Thiru Arooran Sugars Limited and has also worked at Water Base Limited.