
Semmedu Sugar Factory: A Sweet and Sustainable Success Story


Welcome to the Semmedu Sugar Factory, a unit of Rajshree Sugars & Chemicals Limited, where sugar is not just a product, but a passion. Located in the beautiful village of Semmedu, in the district of Villupuram, the factory is a marvel of technology, innovation, and excellence. The factory is a leader in sugar, co-generation, and distillery, with a combined capacity of 4000 tonnes of cane per day (TCD), 20.5 megawatts (MW), and 80 kilolitres per day (KLPD) respectively. The factory produces high-quality sugar, power, and alcohol, which are sold under various brands and labels. The factory also supports thousands of farmers and workers in the area, and contributes to the socio-economic
development of the region.


The factory was established in 2009 as an integrated green field sugar complex, with a vision to create a sustainable and profitable business. The factory soon adopted a complete automation system, and expanded its capacity to 4000 TCD in 2014. The factory uses state-of-the-art technology and equipment, such as a low-cost hydraulic truck tippler, a high-pressure boiler, an air-cooled condenser, a bio-gas engine, and a CO2 plant. The factory also has a cane research and development facility, which aims to improve the quality and yield of sugarcane.

But what makes the factory truly stand out is its commitment to environmental sustainability. The factory is a zero effluent discharge (ZLD) plant, which means it does not release any waste water or pollutants into the environment. The factory uses 100% recycled water and biofuel, and have a rainwater harvesting tank, which can store 50,000 cubic metres of water, and recharge the groundwater in and around the facility area. The factory also has a co-generation plant, which uses the bagasse, a by-product of sugar production, to generate electricity and steam. The plant produces 20.5 MW of power, of which 6 MW is used for captive consumption and the rest is exported to the state grid. The plant also has a distillery plant, which uses the spent wash, a by-product of distillation, to fuel the incineration boiler, which generates steam and power. The plant also has a condensate treatment plant, which treats the water and recycles it back to the process.

The Semmedu Sugar Factory is a sweet and sustainable success story, a symbol of excellence, innovation, and sustainability. The factory is a source of pride for its employees, customers, and